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It’s January. For me and  millions of others, that means getting organized and decluttering. When you’re a craftaholic like me, it means sorting boxes of  buttons, vintage costume jewelry, vintage fabric, estate sale finds and thrift store scores. It’s a labor of love and beats driving around the Sonoma County here in rainy Northern California looking for more stuff to stash. Some items will be listed in my etsy shop. Other items, especially vintage ephemera, will be posted on my vintage framed magnetic message boards as inspiration for new ideas.

If you’re looking for some well-made and well-priced modular storage ideas, check out for the Linden Street ® Create Your Own Storage Unit pieces. The cubbies, drawers and baskets are easy to mix and match and add a bit of cottage charm to the most basic craft room or home office. Walmart’s selection of plastic storage bins are a must for the hoarder (oops, I mean crafter) in you! Get organized and get inspired! Need more inspiration? Check out Cloth Paper Scissors Studios  for great organizing tips and real studios used by real people.  One of my etsy customers was featured and sent me the link to her studio. Take a peek

vintage inspiration

Vintage Inspiration